Cloud-Based Access Control Systems: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Migrate

When it comes to the vital matter of access control, most companies have been operating with on-premises systems using Linux machines or from their IT departments using Windows. But hey, the future of enterprise has arrived – a while ago, in fact. Before you start to panic about the costs of migrating over to cyber excellence, be reassured that the costs saved with Cloud-based systems, will make you glad you did. We’re talking the ultimate business...

The Importance Of Finding The Right Security Solutions For Your Business

All businesses are different – even those that do the same thing. One printing company, for example, might have 10 employees, own a single printing machine, and occupy the downstairs floor of a small, two-storey building. Another might employ 250 people, have 12 machines and take up an entire office block. Naturally, the security needs of these two businesses will be different, but the importance of them each finding the correct security solution for their business is exactly the same...

Millennial Home Buyers Want A Good Foundation Of Home Security

Millennials-those born between 1981 and 1996 – are probably the most-studied generation since studies into this kind of thing began! They are, without doubt, one of the most influential generations to date. Their habits and behaviours have long fascinated economists, researchers and businesses, and everyone wants to understand their attitudes to social and environmental issues, work and technology. The housing market is no exception. And when South African millennials – particularly first time buyers – look for property, a strong foundation...

With Business Intelligence, It’s Okay To Have Your Head In The Cloud(s)

The more we learn about the cloud, the more, it seems, there is to learn about the cloud! But no matter how much we do or don’t understand about it, there’s no escaping one simple fact: As a business, moving your computing from a terrestrial server to the Cloud has so many advantages it’s getting to the point where it’s not really a decision about which you have to think too hard. Reduced IT costs, infinite scalability, business continuity, access...

Access Control and Security Challenges for Property Developers

A business profiting from developing property should always have certain measures in place to protect its investments against theft and vandalism. However, many property developers struggle to manage security on several sites. For operators of larger construction sites, the issue of access control is often addressed by concentrating assets in one place or by employing a large team of security staff on the site. Though, for property developers, it is often not that simple as they usually manage many smaller sites that make it...

Cloud-Based Solutions – The Sky’s The Limit

The Cloud. We read about it all the time, we talk about it in slightly reverent tones, and we’ve more than likely got more than a bit of stuff stored in it. But do we actually know what it is? And do we understand how cloud-based solutions can help us in both our business and personal lives? The Cloud isn’t a physical location. We might think of it as a slightly nebulous place “somewhere up there in cyberspace,” but it is,...

CAPEX vs OPEX: Which is best when it comes to your business’ security?

From investing in new air conditioning systems to yearly maintenance and renovations, any business, big or small, have several essential expenses. For most business owners or managers, cutting costs on expenses is a major priority. Luckily, the increased use of technology in many aspects of the business world, are making it easier to lower certain expenses. Cloud-based services especially have proved to have major advantages with cost savings. One of the best places for any business to start saving costs is with cloud-based...

How To Find The Right Security Solutions For Your Buildings, Assets And Staff

Buildings come in all shapes and sizes – just like the businesses they house. This is just one of the reasons why one-size-fits-all safety and security solutions simply don’t work. Think, for example, of large corporations, hospitals or universities. How much data and equipment do they contain? How many people? This all needs to be kept safe, and the systems used to do so must integrate seamlessly with your existing technologies - while still being completely scalable to keep up...

When It Comes To Perimeter Security, You Can’t Afford To Be On The Fence

South Africans are security conscious people. We put burglar bars on our windows and gates across our doors. We have alarm systems and panic buttons. At work, we have multi-layered access control systems – biometric scanners, video cameras and access cards. Yet still, at times, these security measures are not enough, and our homes and offices are breached. This is why perimeter security is so important: it keeps the bad guys further away from your door – and your important...

How cloud-based access control and CCTV can better protect your business in 2020

When considering business security, access control and CCTV systems are vital for managing entry in and around a property, as well as protecting vital data. Traditionally, and in its most basic form, mechanical lock and key systems are used for access control. In recent years, more technologically-advanced security systems were designed which were steps in the right direction; however, these are often expensive and require complex hardware. For successful security management and asset protection today, these access control methods are no longer a viable solution...