Smart Buildings
Smart buildings are sometimes also called “intelligent” buildings or “automated” buildings, but they are all essentially the same thing: buildings that leverage interconnected, “smart” technology to be more responsive and intelligent. Although still relatively new in South Africa, smart buildings are becoming more commonplace all the time, slowly replacing outdated and redundant silo units with a holistic, converged system that not only improves workplace comfort but also, ultimately, performance.
Many buildings at present have systems that operate independently of each other. Environmental sensors, HVAC, safety and security equipment all run separately, making them inherently inefficient, as they are unable to adapt intelligently to different modes of operation or environmental conditions. However, when these systems are linked, through the use of Smart technology, the result is better-managed operations, more efficient energy use and increased levels of occupant comfort.
Think about this:
People spend, on average, 80% of their lives inside one kind of building or another. Buildings also account for the second-largest capital expenses of most businesses, after salaries. Not surprising then, that building owners and managers alike are always looking for new ways to deliver on health and comfort, while still realising cost savings that are closely aligned with their financial goals.
Thanks to the Internet of Things, there is a huge range of smart building solutions now available that is revolutionising traditional building management and automation systems.
In today’s connected world, data and convenience are the new business currencies. Smart buildings provide endless opportunities for improved functionality and convenience while offering flexible customisation to cater for any need and any budget.