Keeping A Close Eye On Your Business

Close circuit television (CCTV) is a great way for your business to monitor employees’ movements, or to record evidence of any criminal activity. It also acts as a significant deterrent – would-be wrong-doers who catch sight of a CCTV camera are far less likely to carry out their intended crime.

CCTV cameras can be used both indoors and outdoors to enhance the electronic monitoring of your building’s exits and entrances. They are also an added security measure for areas in which high-end goods are sold or stored.

In South Africa, CCTV footage is often accepted by CCMA arbitrators as valid proof of an employee’s transgression. This is critical in cases where an employee brings a case of unfair dismissal against his former employee.

We offer a range of CCTV solutions customised to suit your company’s individual requirements.


To help you decide on which system is going to be the right one for your business, here are a few helpful points to think about:

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Location Of Camera

Although most modern CCTV cameras can be used both inside and outside, there are a few important things to consider: If the camera is going to be in a factory environment, for example, you’ll need to think about protecting it from heat and dust. This is where choosing the correct mounting and housing is so critical. In cold environments, choose a mounting with an inbuilt heater, so the camera stays operational regardless of the ambient temperature.

Size Of Area To be Monitored

If you have a larger area to survey, you need a more powerful camera with the ability to move in a wide arc, or zoom in on an activity if needed. Cameras with these capabilities are more expensive, but you won’t need as many – a single camera can monitor an extensive area, without compromising on the quality of the image.

Visibility Of Camera

Do you want your CCTV cameras to be visible, and act as a deterrent, or are you hoping to catch criminals in the act with a discreetly located camera? If you want to follow subjects, then a pan tilt zoom (PTZ) camera is best – especially if you’re covering a large area. For small areas, where you want the surveillance to be covert, then a small dome-type camera is the best choice for discretion.

Sound Or No Sound

Many CCTV systems have built-in audio, making it possible to listen to what potential criminals are saying. Audio can also be used independently of cameras, triggering an automatic recording as soon as the audio levels in the monitored space rise above a certain level.

Standard Or High Definition

While you may think going HD is the natural choice for any CCTV system, this isn’t always true, and you can save on costs without compromising on coverage, depending on what you need your cameras for. In smaller areas, such as offices, for example, a lower resolution camera is perfectly adequate. But in a retail store with a high risk of shoplifting, a high-resolution image is vital to clearly identify and prosecute a suspect.


Of course, CCTV cameras can be put to a much wider range of uses than just security.

In the retail industry, for example, facial recognition software allows them to gather valuable data and offer customer insights that can help the store improve their customers’ experiences, and boost profitability.

If you’d like to know more about installing a new CCTV system in your business, or are looking to upgrade your existing system, why not chat to one of our experts today for a free, no obligation quotation?

Contact us: 082 885 4475